As flexible as the wishes of our clients: references

National Theatre, Munich
Stage lift

Jänschwalde power plant
Lifts as per power plant standard

Lippendorf power plant
Lifts as per power plant standard

Harcourt Hall, Dublin
panorama elevator

"De Koperen Hoogte", Zwolle
panorama elevator

Volkswagenwerk AG
systems as per VW equipment guidelines, central control system for lift facilities

BMW Munich
lifts as per BMW equipment guideline

KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Frankfurt
evacuation controls for 35 lifts

Queen Elizabeth 2
ship elevator

EON Hannover
highly frequented, fast-running facilities

Free University Berlin
book conveyance system

Blohm & Voss shipyard, Hamburg
lifts for floating docks

Boxberg power plant
lifts as per power plant standard, fast-running goods lifts

Flora Theatre Hamburg
switching systems for stage equipment

Munich Underground
systems as per equipment guidelines

Vienna Underground
systems as per equipment guidelines

North Sea oil platforms
diverse systems for oil platforms

Saudi Arabia
industrial facilities
References mirror our skill
They highlight solid quality, a wealth of ideas and know-how, try for yourself.